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Code of Conduct

Stage Red Theater is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable entertainment experience. Guests are expected to follow the below guidelines and should expect an environment where:

  • Guests will consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner. Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated or underage guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner. Management reserves the right to deny entry into the venue and/or refuse service to guests displaying visible signs of impairment/intoxication.
  • Guests will sit only in their ticketed seats or assigned location. Guests must possess a valid ticket and/or credential at all times and provide it when requested.
  • Guests will not smoke in the venue and only in designated smoking areas.
  • Guests are permitted to sit or stand during an event, provided that they are only occupying the area in front of their ticketed seat. Standing in aisles, and/or on chairs is strictly prohibited.
  • Guests who engage in disruptive behavior (including foul/abusive language or obscene gestures), fighting, throwing objects, or attempting to enter the stage or backstage areas will be immediately ejected from the venue without refund or reimbursement.
  • Any obscene or indecent messages on signs or clothing will not be permitted.
  • Stage Red Theater is not responsible for any unattended, lost, or stolen items.
  • Guests will comply with all requests from venue staff members regarding Stage Red’s Theater’s operations and emergency response procedures.
  • Guests are responsible for their own good time and are expected to report any incident, concern, or inappropriate behavior to venue personnel as soon as possible.

Stage Red Theater staff members are trained to intervene where necessary to help ensure that the above expectations are met, and guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest staff member. Guests who choose not to adhere to these provisions will be subject to ejection without refund.

Thank you for understanding and adhering to all venue policies and our Guest Code of Conduct.